The Arts Society North West Area Support Team
is pleased to announce
An exclusive private tour of KNOWSLEY HALL, Liverpool Wednesday, 18th September, 2024
The home of the Stanley family since 1385, the earliest part of the present house dates from about 1500, and through the centuries has been altered and added to so that now it boasts a fine Georgian façade with magnificent Jacobean, Baroque and Victorian interiors. Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown’s influence can be seen in the grounds and a delight for lovers of fine paintings is the internationally important art collection, assembled over the generations.
The present Earl and Countess of Derby undertook a major restoration in the 1990s, so that today it is a lovingly cared-for family home as well as an elegant wedding and events venue. It is only open to the general public for just one week a year in August, so we are privileged indeed.
Expert-led tours of the house will start at 2.00 p.m. Tea/coffee and cake will be served in the house afterwards. The total cost is £29.50 per person.
Accessibility needs can be catered for, but MUST be notified at least one week in advance, as we cannot guarantee to make arrangements ad hoc.
Booking: opens on Wednesday, 15th May. Please be aware that places are limited..
Complete the booking form, one for each person attending, and email to Sue O’Brien at suegreenfoot@outlook.com and pay online using the Area bank details below:
CAF Bank
Name of payee: The Arts Society North West Area
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00060405
Reference: KH & your name
Post completed booking forms with a cheque for £29.50 per person made out to
'The Arts Society North West Area' to Mrs S O’Brien, Greenfoot, Lodge Lane, Wennington, LA2 8NW
Confirmation of your place together with directions and arrival information will be sent by email
Please note that this trip is now full. A waiting list has been added.
1st September 2024
Hello Everyone,
I do hope that you have had as pleasant a summer break as possible, given the “interesting” weather which we have had. Then again, those who have been overseas may well have found their destinations unusually hot!
Our last lecture before the summer break was, as I am sure you remember,
The Art of 1935
given by Pamela Campbell-Johnson.
By now we are getting ready for our Autumn and Winter Programme. Our visits to Paradise Mill and Gawsworth, in July, and the earlier trip to The Lady Lever Art Gallery in June have passed and we look forward to the tour to Salisbury, between the 29th September and the 2nd October.
Booking for the private tour on 18th September to Knowsley Hall organised by the North West Area, was very brisk and a waiting list was formed very soon after it was announced in May.
Our next Day of Special Interest will be on Monday 4th November, when we have Dominic Riley who introduces us to all things to do with hand bound books in
For the love of the binding
As I am sure you know, you can now book for this day online at our website,
www.theartsocietywirral.org where all the most up to date information is contained.
We look forward to welcoming a number of our new members to lunch, at Heswall Hall on 16th September before our lecture that afternoon, when we start our Autumn season with Gareth Plumley who will speak on
Bruegel: The Seasons and the World
As with our Tours and Visits, details of all our forthcoming lectures can be found on our website.
I would especially like to remind you in advance of our Christmas lecture,
The Three Kings
which is to be given by Tony Rawlins on 16th December. Always a seasonal treat and a happy start to the season.
Details will be available this month about our Christmas Theatre Trip, in December, and our Young Arts who organise the changing art exhibitions from local schools at St Catherine’s Health Centre.
I wrote in my last letter in July, “What is it possible now to write about the current state of our world? Things seem constantly to become worse, and the danger is we start to accept the new and dangerous times we find ourselves in.” I cannot add to that.
My sincere good wishes
Yvonne Woodhead
The Arts Society Wirral members meet monthly to hear, from a varied programme of inspiring lectures given by top experts in their fields. Regular tours, outings and visits throughout the year complement the lectures.
In addition, the Volunteer programme, open to all members of our society, includes Church Recording, involvement with local young people by way of the Young Arts Group, Archiving for a number of organisations together with the development of Church Trails for children